Thursday, April 19, 2012

13 Proven Tips and How To Lose Weight Fast

13 Proven Tips and How To Lose Weight Fast - Do you remember my friend who really have confident body fat and trying to lose weight. So I tried looking on Google Search how to lose weight quickly and dramatically. But for those who want to fatten your body can read my previous article about how fattening the body complete recipe

Of some results on how to lose weight, I gathered together and that I posted here.

Tips and Tricks Here are 13 ways to lose weight fast:

1. Avoid fat and reduce karhobidrat.

Carbohydrate intake, even when the program is still needed to lose weight, so do you get rid of this carbohydrate intake. Eat with a reduced number of karbodihrat.

2. Eat at least 3 times a day for a diet to lose weight effectively.

Stick to eating 3 times a day. Do not reduce the frequency of your meal 2x a day because it will slow down your metabolism, you can can actually get an ulcer. Keep eating at least 3 times a day, with of course a little portion.

3. reduce sugar in your drinks.

Soft drinks contain high sugar, stop consuming soft drinks. Always make it a habit to consume mineral water if you are on the outside. If you want to drink sweet tea, sometimes it's okay. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day

4. Eat at the end of 3 hours before bedtime.

Eating close to bedtime will cause you to eat foods that could not be converted into energy for your activity, resulting in the accumulation of fat you will grow. If hungry, you better eat non-fat milk or low-calorie food nutrition.

5. Cardio exercise (running, swimming, treadmill, aerobics).

very effective cardio exercise to burn fat, do this exercise regularly every day. In addition exercise has many health benefits.

6. reduce fried foods, replace it with the boiled food.

Do not forget that grilled fish and grilled chicken sometimes diolesin oil, so keep these foods also hindarin. These foods in addition to adding fat or gain weight can also cause acne because the oil contained therein. Well, if you want to get rid of acne and acne scars can be read here ..

7. Regular exercise in the morning

Practice in the morning would be more effective, because your stomach is empty and of course the main combustion will take from your fat.

8. Always choose to walk instead of the escalator.

Choose a walk if the distance is not too far away. when at work always choose to use a ladder if you just want to go down 1 or 2 floors only. This little exercise will be beneficial to reduce your weight if you do every day.

9. Enjoy life and do not strain

Arrange all the diet that includes diet and exercise so that it becomes something that is fun, by making something fun your diet the more it will increase the success of the diet.

10. Take breaks

A good resting time is 6-8 hours a day. Never more than 8 hours per day, once there is research that says that too much sleep increases the risk of death.

11. Do not try all kinds of food at the buffet meal.

do not try all the food menu when there are banquet buffet. Simply select one or two types do you like best, then continue with a salad, remember that you are trying to lose weight.

12. Avoid Snacking

Snacking merupaka hobby is very difficult to remove. To be able ditingglkan habit, then you have to get used to contain his hunger. Or at least cut back snacking during the day and then reduced again in the next day.

13. reduce the consumption of instant food or fast food meals or fast food.

Food like this is very risky to put on weight. Should reduce or if possible avoid the consumption of these foods to prevent your body from the body or obesity.

Well, above are some ways to lose weight quickly, provided you practice it. Do not be too eager to get into shape without regard to your health that you will actually end up sick.