Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Medicinal Plants For the Media Healing Alternatives

Knowledge of treatment with the plant that is written in the books of our ancestors, it gives good results for health maintenance and treatment.

The historical record shows that the general public had understood about the functioning of plants as medicine and also how to use them. This knowledge about medicinal plants that exist in our society not much different from the Chinese community.

We know, modern medicine with the use of chemicals and modern equipment are being developed. So with the development of education "western model" then we are States that are rich in plants, it was further away leaving the knowledge-knowledge and ways of treatment with the use of Medicinal Plants.

In eastern countries like Japan, China, Taiwan and Korea, this kind of thing does not happen. Because inevitably we were together constantly maintaining and developing the use of medications to the crops, which can dijadilan as an alternative to every man, especially in this homeland.

Medicinal Plants Phytopharmaca is called natural medicine raw materials such as the standardization sample, which has suffered, meets the requirements persyaratn-official book, and has conducted scientific research on raw materials to clearly kegiunaan and usefulness as the rules of modern medicine.

Although the plants used as medicine and equipment that is not practical memilki weakness in its use, however, medicinal plants proved to have advantages, among others:

1. Side effects of medicinal plants is not there if its use in accordance with the recommendations.

2. Effective way to cure certain diseases which are often difficult to be cured by modern medicine, such as cancer, tumors, and others.

3. Cheap, considering that generally can be planted alone in the yard of the house, and most can even be found growing wild around our yard.

4. Treatment can generally be done by their own family members without having to depend on the medical staff or paramedics

Instructions for use of medicinal plants:

1. selective in identified types of plants, given the similarity between crops.

2. Knowing the standard name (latin) and the name of the region, given the often confusing and overlapping.

3. Noting pemetikkan time, which is to pick the leaves when flowering until the fruit is not ripe. for the interest is collected before or after bloom. for fruit harvested in a state ripe. for seeds collected from ripe fruits or after bloom. for roots, rhizomes, tubers and bulb plants do not grow longer time.

4. Washing with water must be clean and flowing.

5. Drying should secaraperlahan-land, if the sun should not be too bright. And for tubers or rhizomes should be cut into pieces. For dilayukan leaves first.

6. Boil it does not use metal panic, because the chemical can cause adverse reactions. Use a pot soil, panic ceramic or glass.

7. When taking medicine; Before the meal, when the drug does not stimulate the stomach. An empty stomach, for medications that are tonic. For acute illnesses, medications taken as needed for chronic diseases and medications taken regularly. To be drunk as a sedative to sleep. And where the necessary drugs to be drunk as often as possible as a substitute for tea.

8. How to drink it. One dose is divided to 2-3 times a day to drink. Drugs taken during the warm to cold syndrome disease. Drugs taken after a cold for the heat syndrome disease. Drug rather beracundiminum little by little but often.

9. The duration of treatment. Generally longer but be constructive.
by kholifah

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