Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tomato Fruit Benefits for Beauty

usefulness and efficacy of tomatoes for beauty can treat acne, smooth face, reduce blackheads and brightens skin.

Smooth the face
You simply put water on the face of tomato juice. In the meantime, to brighten the skin, use a tomato that has been destroyed.

Treating Acne
Boil the tomatoes, then cut into pieces. Rub the tomato slices on the pimply. Let stand ten minutes, rinse face with water. Perform routine until the acne disappeared.

Reduces Blackheads
Tomatoes are also useful for reducing blackheads. The trick, tomato puree and mix with honey. Spread the mixture on your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Unlike other vegetables, the benefit is not reduced when cooked tomatoes. Instead, it is suggested that instead of tomato processed first. Substances contained in tomatoes is useful for destroying free radicals when cooked.

Benefits of Tomato Fruit for Health

While for Health who is also quoted by Us Daily Insights Prevent Cancer Lycopene contained in tomatoes will also be more work after processing. Lycopene is beneficial for preventing cellular damage that triggers cervical cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer. Moreover, it can treat indigestion, diarrhea, restore liver function and bile attacks. Yellow liquid in tomato seeds are also good for preventing blood clots causing stroke and heart disease. Conclusion Tomato Fruit So it's them know how much we can benefit by consuming tomatoes. In addition to getting good flavor and maknyus of tomatoes, we also get the same great benefits for the face and body beauty of our skin so we are more awake. Not to mention to health that can prevent various cancers. So wait no more consumption of tomatoes right now. And feel what God gave her to you!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

natural health with apple

natural health with apple
Fruit juice, anyone know, drink a fitting idol enjoyed when the daytime heat. Green apple juice delicious recipes you can try a release thirst. Do not forget, apple juice is also one miraculous Juice Diet to shed fat.

Apple juice contains only calories by 117, eight ounces per serving. Natural apple juice contains polyphenols, an antioxidant that can fight cancer. Apple juice is also a source of vitamin C, potassium, and iron. Consumption of whole apples, with skin, because most of the fiber and nutrients found in apple skin. Add mint leaves to produce a sensation of warmth that permeates

Ingredient of green apple juice recipe:

    * 4 pieces of fresh green apples
    * 1-2 mint leaves
    * Sugar Low calorie or non-caloric.
    * Air cook

How to make green apple juice:

    * Cut green apple, seeded, peeled apple skin is not necessary.
    * Prepare the blender and then put a green apple and mint leaves
    * Put the sugar, then blend until all ingredients into a smooth

If it is this juice is fine Apples turn off the blender and pour apple juice into serving glasses. Selelsai, and enjoy this apple juice. careful to make that have a history of ulcer disease or hypotension.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

13 Proven Tips and How To Lose Weight Fast

13 Proven Tips and How To Lose Weight Fast - Do you remember my friend who really have confident body fat and trying to lose weight. So I tried looking on Google Search how to lose weight quickly and dramatically. But for those who want to fatten your body can read my previous article about how fattening the body complete recipe

Of some results on how to lose weight, I gathered together and that I posted here.

Tips and Tricks Here are 13 ways to lose weight fast:

1. Avoid fat and reduce karhobidrat.

Carbohydrate intake, even when the program is still needed to lose weight, so do you get rid of this carbohydrate intake. Eat with a reduced number of karbodihrat.

2. Eat at least 3 times a day for a diet to lose weight effectively.

Stick to eating 3 times a day. Do not reduce the frequency of your meal 2x a day because it will slow down your metabolism, you can can actually get an ulcer. Keep eating at least 3 times a day, with of course a little portion.

3. reduce sugar in your drinks.

Soft drinks contain high sugar, stop consuming soft drinks. Always make it a habit to consume mineral water if you are on the outside. If you want to drink sweet tea, sometimes it's okay. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day

4. Eat at the end of 3 hours before bedtime.

Eating close to bedtime will cause you to eat foods that could not be converted into energy for your activity, resulting in the accumulation of fat you will grow. If hungry, you better eat non-fat milk or low-calorie food nutrition.

5. Cardio exercise (running, swimming, treadmill, aerobics).

very effective cardio exercise to burn fat, do this exercise regularly every day. In addition exercise has many health benefits.

6. reduce fried foods, replace it with the boiled food.

Do not forget that grilled fish and grilled chicken sometimes diolesin oil, so keep these foods also hindarin. These foods in addition to adding fat or gain weight can also cause acne because the oil contained therein. Well, if you want to get rid of acne and acne scars can be read here ..

7. Regular exercise in the morning

Practice in the morning would be more effective, because your stomach is empty and of course the main combustion will take from your fat.

8. Always choose to walk instead of the escalator.

Choose a walk if the distance is not too far away. when at work always choose to use a ladder if you just want to go down 1 or 2 floors only. This little exercise will be beneficial to reduce your weight if you do every day.

9. Enjoy life and do not strain

Arrange all the diet that includes diet and exercise so that it becomes something that is fun, by making something fun your diet the more it will increase the success of the diet.

10. Take breaks

A good resting time is 6-8 hours a day. Never more than 8 hours per day, once there is research that says that too much sleep increases the risk of death.

11. Do not try all kinds of food at the buffet meal.

do not try all the food menu when there are banquet buffet. Simply select one or two types do you like best, then continue with a salad, remember that you are trying to lose weight.

12. Avoid Snacking

Snacking merupaka hobby is very difficult to remove. To be able ditingglkan habit, then you have to get used to contain his hunger. Or at least cut back snacking during the day and then reduced again in the next day.

13. reduce the consumption of instant food or fast food meals or fast food.

Food like this is very risky to put on weight. Should reduce or if possible avoid the consumption of these foods to prevent your body from the body or obesity.

Well, above are some ways to lose weight quickly, provided you practice it. Do not be too eager to get into shape without regard to your health that you will actually end up sick.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More tips for better information of sleep and insomnia

Better sleep at night it gets interesting rearrange the bedroom? Adjust the electronics and add the soothing white noise to reduce insomnia and sleeping better.The causes of insomnia are almost as many as there are people who do not sleep well. Concerns over money matters to martial troubles and cares for children, the average person has enough problems sleeping better. Sleep apnea, sleep disorders and other assorted ills that contribute to discomfort such as joint pain, fibromyalgia, or acid reflux burning healthy habits interfere with sleep. Sometimes professional help should be sought to help sleeping better, and in other circumstances there are natural cures for insomnia that can be run by each individual who wants to learn how to sleep better.Causes of insomnia attributed to sleep disturbances in the bedroomCreating a darker room contributes to the production of melatonin in the brain, better sleep encouragingly, and is one of the treatments for insomnia. The elimination of ambient light sources and hang blackout curtains are great sleep aids to keep the piece as dark as possible.In addition, electromagnetic frequencies have been shown in studies to interfere with sleep and are one of the primary causes of insomnia. Disposal of electrical appliances in the bedroom will greatly increase the ability to get better sleep at night. This means the TV, clock radio, computers, electric blankets, heating pads, cell phones and other electronic and electromagnetic devices should be taken of the room in order to get better sleep.
If a clock is necessary to run a clock battery can be used. If the TV can not be removed, it can be covered with heavy cloth to stop the electromagnetic frequency radiation from interfering in the room and sleep causing insomnia. A land line telephone can be used as a soporific to replace a cell phone or a laptop.Obtaining the best ways to sleep removing the office of the bedroomThe seats in the social bedrooms were found responsible for a number of causes of insomnia. With allow ambient light sources to touch the dark of night and disrupt sleep, engine noise computer beeping and fan cycling on and off, in addition to problems of many people sleep better. Everyday worries about the business remain at the head of the mind and people do not have a space to get from their work and relax. Able to put the day's activities aside and rest the mind is a wonderful sanctuary soporific, and bedroom, free office equipment, noise and lights reflected in better sleep.If there is not another place in the house to locate the seat of office equipment, indicate some of the bedroom for these activities and place a screen to separate the office area of ​​the sleeping area. Stop all office equipment before going to bed, including computers, to reduce light and noise in the room in addition to sleep disorders.Good noise that encourages a better night's sleepBenefit from research on how to sleep better by adding some white noise to muffle the noise of traffic and the noise annoying house and start sleeping better right away. The white noise comes in all shapes and sizes and is as soporific not only get to sleep but staying asleep throughout the night.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The processing solutions for fibromyalgia Shiatsu

According to conventional medicine, for diagnosis, there must be at least eleven tender points on eighteen react to finger pressure, and the person feels widespread pain for at least three months. Hotspots can be located in different parts of the body, both the left and right sides, and both above and below the waist. No laboratory test can diagnose fibromyalgia, but as a precaution, some tests are performed to exclude certain diseases, whose symptoms are similar.
Chronic pain keeps the body in a state of tension, stress, which itself tends to aggravate the pain. That's why it's important for people with chronic pain to create an environment that is physically and psychologically stressful.
Several simple methods help promote relaxation and well-being. Practicing slow breaths, focusing on the passage of air in his lungs is one. Meditation, visualization, biofeedback and autogenic training are other methods that provide the famous relaxation response described by Dr. Herbert Benson in the early 1970s.

Shiatsu helps reduce stress and anxiety by its relaxing effect provided it is practiced by an experienced practitioner. It is difficult to imagine how the pressures are one means the most used in shiatsu respond very well to the pain and tension, yet it is the case.Neck pain and trapezius myofascial syndrome caused by respond well, too, the practice of shiatsu.
Before receiving a shiatsu session, it is important to inform the shiatsu practitioner of his condition. For example, in case of fibromyalgia, the meeting should start slowly and gradually increase in intensity as not to aggravate the pain. In my practice I emphasize the breath of my receivers and I adapt my breathing to them. During the first session, I do not use pressure by thumbs or fingers, but pressure on the palms of hands and a lot of vibration techniques, the use of hachi maki is often pleasant to the recipient. We can go this way in harmony with the receiver, a bit like trying to say "hello" to the body and simply provide a confidence to the touch. Listening to feedback, observation and the presence of the practitioner is the most important aspect during Shiatsu treatment regarding fibromyalgia syndrome.People with chronic pain sometimes become hypersensitive to all stimuli, whether noise, light or strong emotions. Adapt its place and way of life so that the stress level is the lowest is essential for these people.

Alternative healing: Are you ready to finally healthy?

Alternative healing: Are you ready to finally healthy?
Alternative Healing for me is defined as a lifestyle. We all need "healing" from the stress of modern life. At one point I was really physically ill. I am now healthy. In over fifteen years, I have not been to a doctor for a physical illness! I got well by alternative healing ie: through diet, exercise and supplements right light in the form of all natural herbs, vitamins and minerals.
"Alternative Healing" So then a three-tiered approach: good nutrition, light exercise and supplements (herbal supplements, vitamins and minerals). This article attempts to briefly answer some of this alternative approach to healing and good health and well-being.
If you have ever wondered if healing alternative was for you, then you can pay attention to this article. Alternative healing is a really effective way to achieve health and sustainable development. In this article you will discover some of the ways that natural healing therapies and remedies can help you live long and healthy.
The incredible growth of information about alternatives to health, were easy to find much information on health and wellness. Some of this information is good or great, it is not so good or just downright terrible and wrong. I hope this article will inform you with some of what you need to know.
The biggest advantage of knowledge about alternative health is obvious. This advantage is your life greatly improved and healthier. Obviously, there are many ways you can pursue a healthier lifestyle and better health. No shortage of information on health and wellness, in fact, we are all inundated with information on everything from weight loss that vitamin and mineral supplements to take.
If like me, you want the real truth when it comes to alternative healing, then the best place to start is with yourself. You must take the lead and inform yourself with the knowledge needed to live healthy. All the knowledge you never need natural health are available via Internet and other information sources.
When I talk about alternative healing, for me, it is natural healing therapies, home remedies and knowledge of proper nutrition, but also a basic knowledge of exercise and staying physically fit. A healthy and balanced life requires all these things in their proper proportions. Healing is an alternative lifestyle, a life lived in the knowledge of what is really effective for the health and wellbeing. 

With alternative healing, the key to success is starting with healthy eating. For example, I believe and I am a proponent of low carb, high protein lifestyle. Proof comes increasingly to light, showing that humans are adapted to low carb high protein diet as optimal for human health and longevity.
As mentioned above, I also take supplements as herbs, natural vitamins (not synthesized or artificial) and I live a life of contribution of low-carb. I eat only meat, cheese, fruits and vegetables. I can occasionally breads, pastas, desserts and the like. Were healthy and keep healthy, because I think that's the way most favorable for achieving sustainable health.
So if you are committed to good health, or you just want to feel better, commit yourself today to find out all you can about an approach "alternative healing" to health and wellness. You have nothing to lose and your good health and happiness to gain. Your body will thank you and reward you with great health and wellness.

Friday, February 17, 2012


God has given us plenty of water and gratis.Tanpa spend money for medicines, tablets, injections, diagnosis, physician wages, dll. Drinking only pure water, the following diseases can never believe before be cured. Anda bottom melakukannya .Di This list of diseases that can be cured ole ... h this therapy:
Headaches, Asthma, Hosthortobics, High Blood, Bronchitis, Diabetes, Poor blood, tuberculosis, Lung, Eye Disease, Arthritis, Inflammation Brain, Paralysis, Kidney Stones, Menstrual Disorders, Obesity, Urethral Diseases, Leukemia, Arthritis / Pain Joints, Excess Uric Acid, Cancer Peranakan, mucus membrane inflammation, Diarrhoea, Breast Cancer, Cardiovascular Disorders, Dysentery, Sore Throat, Drunk, Dizziness, Vertiginous, Haemorrhoid, Constipation, Batuk.Jadi, have you drink a lot of white water?

Multi-purpose oil Hair Care

Many ways that can be done to get beautiful hair. One of them is by using a serum that serves to make the hair more beautiful and well maintained. It introduces a Kerastase hair care products, namely the Kerastase Elixir Ultime hair beautifying serum is oil, which has many benefits in treating the hair.

Elixir Ultime containing various types of oils that are good for the health of hair, IE Pracaxi Oil, Argan Oil, Maize Oil, and Camellia Oil. This Formula became a kind of multipurpose oil that can be applied to many different types of hair. The content of each owned oil as the active content of the conduction of softness for hair, according to Halim Pratiwi, Brand Manager at Thamrin Indonesia Kerastase Nine, Central Jakarta, Monday (6\/2\/2012)